About The LAPOA

Group of officers standing

The members of the Los Altos Police Officers Association (LAPOA)are your full-time police patrol officers, detectives, community service officers and dispatchers serving the citizens in the City of Los Altos. While we serve the city, LAPOA serves it's member officers and the community.

The members of the Los Altos Police Officers Association (LAPOA)are your full-time police patrol officers, detectives, community service officers and dispatchers serving the citizens in the City of Los Altos. While we serve the city, LAPOA serves it's member officers and the community.

The LAPOA was formed as a non-profit corporation to serve as the collective bargaining unit for Loa Altos police officers. The primary purpose for collective bargaining is to secure a fair and equitable contract between the City and LAPOA unit members.

Labor negotiations are just a small part of our role. The LAPOA provides its member officers with important benefits that are not offered or paid by the city. We protect the rights of our officers in issues that arise while they are properly doing their job - protecting you - and we work to assure their benefits so they may continue serving.

These benefits include; Benefits Assistance Services and Legal Defense Fund coverage representing officers at internal investigations, and Labor Association Activity through our state-wide labor association, Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC).

Our association membership is directly involved in the community, giving personal time and money to assist local projects, groups, and individuals. When we see an immediate need, we step up to help. As emergency first-responders we see the human condition in all its forms. We take extra steps in offering assistance directly to our fellow Los Altos residents, rather than merely referring them to other overburdened agencies.

Thank you for visiting our website, and for your continued generous support of the Los Altos Police Officers' Association.